Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vanity sizing, abused.

I did do a bit of shopping this past week and I came to find out something I did not know about a couple retail stores. So you know Abercrombie, there's a high end version called Ruehl. I think it's technically Ruehl, 925 or some concoction of unnecessary numbers. I also found out that American Eagle has a high end version called Martin + Osa. You don't find many of these stores around, so if you are interested and want to puruse online...I'll give you a quick rundown. BTW, the sales online suck for these stores. Much better at the B&M. B&M stands for 'brick and motar,' get your mind out of the gutter!

Martin + Osa (aka high end American Eagle). Kind of JCrew meets Eddie Bauer. Does that disgust you? Well, it shouldn't - though it may bore you. It's alright for basics and some Skidoosh pieces. The best part of this store, how nice they treat your kids! Seriously. Me and my sister-in law had all my kids plus her one in the store with us. The store clerk offered us juice for the kids and Fiji for Missy and I. The kids were excited and it made me mercy buy some grecian sandals. Dang, those Fiji's and juice boxes just cost me $70.

Ruehl. A smellier, louder and nakeder version of Abercrombie. I didn't realize those photos could get more nakeder. Maybe the music and smellfume are supposed to distract you into some sexual abyss whereby you are entranced to purchass...I mean purchase. Ruehl actually had some cute pieces and had quite the sale going on. If you have one near you, I'd hit it for sure. Lots of good summer pieces for $19.90-$29.90. And if the smell, music and photos don't get you, their vanity sizing will make you feel good all over. Oh and by the way, the non-ho section is again - to the back...incidently that is also the sale section. Apparently all the ho's got their gear first. Boy am I mean.

For those of you who don't know what 'vanity sizing''s size inflation. Which in layman's terms mean, you are actually that fat. I'm not saying a size 12 is fat, I'm just saying you are just as fat in a vanity size 8. What's interesting is that designer brands tend to do this more. So if you like to get your shop on at Forever 21...then your size 12 butt is probably not going to fit into anything but a size 12, or bigger. Sorry girlfriend.

So I find these cute pair of plaid shorts at Rhuel. I hold them up to my size, um, two month-post baby body...they look wide enough. I don't look at the size. I go into try them on and find that I can actually button it. Nevermind the full-on Costco-size muffin top I have. Hmm..I think I can actually pull these off with a big shirt. I look at the size, Size 4?!?! WTH...yeah right. I know this butt is not a size four. But I buy them cause they are a Size 4. Those Vanity Sizing jerks at Rhuel got me. This is me in my shorts, sweet muffin huh?

Theoretically, I think vanity sizing is wrong. It's like a big old lie. Which is so wrong, especially for those people who are trying to lose weight - like me. They are lulling me into security with my size...'you are skinny' they say, 'buy me cause I'm a size 4.' Damn those corporate apparel wizards.

Bottomline: If you want to feel good about your size, go to high-end stores. Just make sure you have a fun house mirror that makes you look tall and skinny to go along with that dream :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vanity sizing!? Great, like I need something else to make the "shopping for my wife" experience any more difficult.

Walking into JCrew or Banana Republic can be overwhelming as it is knowing what size my wife is, then add the moment she tries on the gift and it is way off size... that will be the straw that breaks the camels back.

Any basic advice for guys out there trying to do right by their better half in the clothing and accessories department?